Information about ACS systems. Enhance acoustics and make it variable!

Creating Multipurpose Spaces.pdf, a case study about ACS as installed in the 860 seat proscenium theater and 300 seat black box theater at the Amphion in Doetinchem, the Netherlands
The halls can be used for a wide variety of purposes as, rock music, opera, symphonic music, choral performances. The proscenium theater is equipped with the ACS Orchestra Shell. By using ACS the black box theatre is also suited as rehearsal hall for the larger theater.

Variable Acoustics in a Church.pdf, a case study about ACS at the Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS, USA
Change Acoustics during a service, Church Acoustics with long reverberation times for Organ and Choral music, Corect acoustics for Congregational Singing, Contemporary church music and Speech.

Improving Acoustics of a Concert Hall.pdf, a case study about ACS at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, On, Canada
How to merge natural acoustics with ACS to create an excellent result!

Applications.pdf, in brief,.. examples of ACS in 6 different rooms

10 Benefits.pdf, why ACS could be an asset for your acoustics projects.
Interested? do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about these or other assets.

ACS Variable Acoustics.pdf, learn more about ACS’ background
Natural Sound, proven quality, worldwide experience, …

From Idea to Implementation.pdf, the process of discovering, designing, installing and tuning ACS
Experienced ACS personnel will work together with the Client and her/his consultants to achieve the best possible result.
Other downloads:
A list with a number of venues using ACS
Not the latest but still useful, brief explanation about ACS systems

NCAC Article about ACS for variable acoustics at the Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS, USA (.pdf)
A 3500 seat church with the desired acoustics for all applications